
We use the term order to refer to an order in the merchant's order system. At Paynova, an order is an entity which encapsulates all invoice-related information around a merchant's order. Before a payment can be made, an order must be created by using the create order service.

There are two levels of orders which we use, the first is a simple order and the second is a detailed order.

Simple Orders

Simple orders consist of the following basic information:

  • Amount
  • Currency Code
  • Order Number
Simple orders doesn't contain any information about the order's content and thus support for all available functions and payment methods isn't possible. With simple orders some operations, like refunds, can only be done on the complete order. We strongly recommend using detailed orders for better fraud screening / risk analysis, support for all available functions and future payment methods.

Note: A future addition of a payment method requiring detailed orders will require an upgrade of your integration.

Detailed Orders

When a order contains full order line information (the order basket) it is called a detailed order.

Although not all other information (parameters) is required, we strongly recommend that you provide as much information as possible to fully support all payment methods, current and future.

Detailed orders also allow us to provide more information to risk analysis (fraud screening) systems which in turn will result in more accurate risk decisions - less declines of valid orders and reduced acceptance of fraudulent orders.

Operations on detailed orders require line items (full order line information) unless working with full order amounts since then the line items provided in the original create order operation can be used.


An order can have multiple payments, and each payment can have multiple finalizations and refunds. Depending on the Payment Method used in the payment, there may be some restrictions on how many finalizations/refunds may be performed on the payment.

Resurs bank; card and invoice are missing as testable in the testing page