Below is a list of possible error codes returned by Paynova's API. Please note that error codes may be added from time-to-time, so take care to ensure that your implementation can handle new/unexpected error codes. An operation that returns an error number other than "0" (SUCCESS or PENDING) should be considered a failed operation.

Error numberStatus CodeStatus Message
0SUCCESSThe operation was successful.
0PENDINGThe operation is pending.

> Only applicable to mobile payments.

Service Errors

-1INTERNAL_ERRORThe specified operation could not be completed at this time; please try your request again later. If the problem persists, please contact Paynova's merchant support at [email protected].
-3HTTP_###Our API uses standard HTTP error codes to convey errors such as authentication errors. The status code will contain HTTP_ followed by the HTTP error number (e.g. HTTP_401) and the status message will contain information applicable to the type of error. If you receive this error, the HTTP status code will also be sent back in the HTTP response.

Account Errors

1000MERCHANT_ACCT_READ_ONLYThe merchant account is currently read-only. This operation requires an active account.
1001CUST_ACCT_NOT_ELIGIBLEThe customer's account is currently not eligible to make payments.

Profile Errors

2000CUST_PROF_NOT_FOUNDThe specified customer profile was not found.
2001CUST_CARD_NOT_FOUNDThe specified profile card was not found in the customer's profile.

Order & Payment Errors

3000ORDER_NOT_FOUNDThe specified order was not found.
3001LINE_ITEMS_NOT_ALLOWEDYou are not allowed to specify line items for this request because no line items were specified in the original order (simple order).
3002FINALIZE_AMT_EXCEEDEDThe total amount you have specified in your finalize call is greater than the available balance to finalize. Existing annulments and finalizations which are in a pending state also count against the available balance.
3003LINE_ITEMS_REQUIREDThis operation requires that line items be specified for detailed orders when the total amount specified does not equal the original order total amount.
3004ORDER_ANNULLEDThe operation cannot be completed because the order is currently in an annulled state.
3005ORDER_COMPLETEDThe operation cannot be completed because the order is currently in a completed state.
3006PAYMENT_NOT_FOUNDThe specified payment could not be found for the given order.
3007PAYMENT_COMPLETEDThe operation cannot be completed because the payment is currently in a completed state.
3008PAYMENT_CANCELLEDThe operation cannot be completed because the payment is currently in a cancelled state.
3009INVALID_CURRENCYThe specified currency is invalid.
3010INVALID_BILL_TO_COUNTRYThe specified bill-to country is invalid
3011INVALID_SHIP_TO_COUNTRYThe specified ship-to country is invalid.
3012CANNOT_FINALIZE_PAYMENTThe payment provider implementation indicated that the payment cannot be finalized in its current state.
3013CANNOT_REFUND_PAYMENTThe payment provider implementation indicated that the payment cannot be refunded in its current state.
3014PAYMENT_NOT_COMPLETEDThe operation cannot be completed because the payment is not currently in a completed state.
3015REFUND_AMT_EXCEEDEDThe total amount you have specified in your refund call is greater than the available balance to refund (total finalized amount - total refunds). Existing refunds which are in a pending state also count against the available balance.
3016PAYMENT_ANULLEDThe operation cannot be completed because the payment is currently in an annulled state.
3017ANULL_AMT_EXCEEDEDThe total amount you have specified in your annul call is greater than the available balance to annul. Existing annulments and finalizations which are in a pending state also count against the available balance.
3018CANNOT_ANULL_AUTHORIZATIONThe payment provider implementation indicated that the authorization cannot be annulled in its current state.
3019PAYMENT_NOT_AUTHORIZEDThe operation cannot be completed because no portion of the payment is currently in an authorized state.
3020CANNOT_AUTHORIZE_PAYMENTThe payment provider implementation indicated that the payment cannot be authorized based on the information provided.
3021DUPLICATE_ORDERAn authorized or completed order already exists within the last 60 minutes for this order number and total amount combination.
3022PAYABLE_AMT_EXCEEDEDThe total amount specified in your request is greater than the remaining payable amount on the order.

Initialize Payment Errors

4000INVALID_INTERFACE_IDThe specified interface id is invalid.
4003INVALID_PMT_CHAN_FOR_IFACEPayment channel '...' is invalid for interface '...'.
4004INVALID_PMT_MTD_FOR_IFACEPayment method '...' is invalid for interface '...'.
4005INVALID_PMT_CHANPayment channel '...' is invalid.
4006INVALID_PMT_MTD_FOR_PMT_CHANPayment method '...' is invalid for payment channel '...'.
4007INVALID_CUST_LANGUAGE_CODEThe specified customer language code is invalid.
4008INVALID_PMT_MTD_IDPayment method '...' is invalid.

Processing Errors

5000GENERAL_DECLINEThe operation was declined by the bank or processor.

See the bottom of this page for detailed information about general declines.
5001CARD_EXPIREDThe specified card has expired.
5002COULD_NOT_DETERMINE_PMT_MTDWe could not determine the payment method to be used in this payment.
5003COULD_NOT_DETERMINE_PMT_ROUTENo payment route could be found that meets the criteria of this transaction.
5004COULD_NOT_DETERMINE_ADDR_PROVIDEREnsure address provider is configured.
5005ADDR_LOOKUP_PROCESSORGeneric failure in processor for address lookup.
5006NO_MATCHThe operation yielded no result.

Authentication Errors

6000CAN_NOT_INITIATE_AUTHENTICATION_SESSIONAn error occurred while attempting to initiate an authentication session.
6001CAN_NOT_CHECK_AUTHENTICATION_SESSIONAn error occurred while checking an authentication session.
6002CAN_NOT_GET_LIST_OF_AUTH_PROVIDERSAn error occurred while retrieving the list of authentication providers.
6003TOO_MANY_REQUESTSChecks for provider '...' was called with an interval of '...'ms which is lower than the allowed rate '...'ms.
6004SESSION_NOT_FOUNDThe authentication session cannot be found.
6005SESSION_HAS_EXPIREDThe authentication session has expired.

General Declines

Below is a list of all possible outcomes within the "GENERAL_DECLINE" error.

Error CodeError Message
AddressMismatch"Provided address does not match the address on file for the customer."
EmailMismatch"Provided e-mail address does not match the e-mail address on file for the customer."
CreditDeclined"The customer was declined credit for this transaction."
BillToAndShipToMismatch"The billing and shipping addresses must match for this transaction."
DuplicateTransaction"The processor indicated that this is a duplicate transaction."
InternalError"The processor experienced an internal error."
TaxCalculationDifference"The processor indicated that there is a calculation mismatch in the received tax/VAT values for one or more order lines."
GovernmentIdIsInvalid"The processor indicated that the government id is invalid."
OrderLineIdNotUnique"The processor indicated that the operation would result in a non-unique order line ID."
OrderLineIdNotUniquePerOperation"Updating order lines requires unique line ID's per update operation type."
OperationDidNotResultInAnyUpdates"The processor indicated that the operation would not result in any updates."
DifferentLineItemIds"Value should match value of nested LineItem.Id."
CannotUpdateOrderInvoiceNotUpdatable"The operation cannot be completed because the order has invoices in a non-updatable state."
OrderLineIdNotFound"The processor indicated that the specified LineItem.Id does not exist."
RefundAmountGreaterThanOrderTotal"The processor indicated that the update would result in a refund amount greater than the order total."