The Paynova API uses the following HTTP status codes.

200OKThe request itself was understood by our system and was able to be processed.

Note: The HTTP code says nothing about the actual outcome of the request. This information is returned in the response body.
201CreatedSomething has been created in Paynova's system (e.g. an order)
401UnauthorizedYou forgot to provide your credentials or they are not valid.
404Not FoundThe url you are trying to access is not a valid RESTful resource.
500Internal Server ErrorYour request is malformed and our API does not understand how to process it

Error handling

When an API request results in an error, Paynova typically responds with HTTP status code 200 OK and a response body with a JSON object containing isSuccess: false, an errorNumber and errorMessage.


    "status": {
        "isSuccess": false,
        "errorNumber": 3000,
        "statusKey": "ORDER_NOT_FOUND",
        "statusMessage": "The specified order was not found.",
        "errors": null,
        "exceptionDetails": null
    "orderId": null,
    "transactionId": null,
    "acquirerId": 0,
    "acquirerReferenceId": null

However, if your API request is malformed Paynova will return HTTP status code 500 Internal Server Error.